I'm celebrating World Philosophy Day UNESCO and the reasons
behind it:
In establishing World Philosophy Day UNESCO strives to
promote an international culture of philosophical debate that respects human
dignity and diversity. The Day encourages academic exchange and highlights the
contribution of philosophical knowledge in addressing global issues.
Why a Philosophy Day?
Many thinkers state that “astonishment” is the root of
philosophy. Indeed, philosophy stems from humans’ natural tendency to be
astonished by themselves and the world in which they live. This field, which
sees itself as a form of “wisdom”, teaches us to reflect on reflection itself,
to continually question well-established truths, to verify hypotheses and to
find conclusions. For centuries, in every culture, philosophy has given birth
to concepts, ideas and analyses, and, through this, has set down the basis for
critical, independent and creative thought. World Philosophy Day celebrates the
importance of philosophical reflection, and encourages people all over the
world to share their philosophical heritage with each other. For UNESCO,
philosophy provides the conceptual bases of principles and values on which
world peace depends: democracy, human rights, justice, and equality.
Philosophy helps consolidate these authentic foundations of
peaceful coexistence."
UN website available at: http://www.un.org/en/events/philosophyday/background.shtml
So, to celebrate World Philosophy Day here’s a quote from
“……the genius of
philosophy, if carefully cultivated by several, must gradually diffuse itself
throughout the whole society…….”
SBN 11, E1.9, in ‘An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding’,
Section I., ‘Of the Different Species of Philosophy’
Available at: http://www.davidhume.org/texts/ehu.html
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